Who is at the Helm of Your Life?

Ship's Helm

In early September 2017 Hurricane Harvey devastated the Houston-Beaumont and surrounding south Texas area.  In the following days, nearby Mexico experienced an 8.4 magnitude earth quake and had a smaller hurricane make landfall.  Simultaneously, 27 fires were burning out of control in the Western USA and Hurricane Irma took aim at the coast of Florida.  Wars were waging in the Middle East and sabers are rattling on the Korean Peninsula.   All around us, people declare evil as good and good as evil.  Anybody listening?  Anybody seeing?  Are these unpredicted surprises?  Life is full of trials and tribulations (Psalms 34:9) and times will get worse before the return of Jesus (Romans 1: 21-32).

In Chapter 6 of the Book of John, we read that “Jesus perceived that they would come and take Him by force and make him a king, and so he departed again into a mountain himself alone, leaving the disciples and crowd behind.  And when evening came, his disciples went down to the Sea and entered into a ship and went over the Sea toward Capernaum.  It was dark and Jesus was not with them. And the Sea arose by reason of a great wind that blew.  So, when they had rowed 25-30 furlongs, they saw Jesus walking on the Sea, drawing nigh unto the ship; they were afraid.  But, he saith unto them, ‘It is I; be not afraid’

Life is full of patches of ‘rough seas’.  Through these times, who is at the helm of your ship?  Many Christians have left Jesus behind and decided to journey on their own.  Don’t we all do this at times, taking up the oars and the decision making on our own?  When we do, the world will certainly rise up against us, seemingly sometimes in a series of great waves, and lost in the whirlwind we lose focus and begin to fear.  But if we look up, we will see him drawing nigh to our ship saying ‘Be not afraid’ and calling for trust in Him.

For the disciples in the storm of John 6 they responded well in verse 21, “Then (when they heard and saw and knew) they willingly received him into the ship; And immediately, the ship was at the land whither they went.”   When we hear, and see, and invite Him to be at our helm He immediately gives us access to a land better than we know, a land of rest that we could not get to on your own no matter how hard we row.

The new arrangement by Kristine Dimarco (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNqo4Un2uZI) says it so well, “Seas that are shaken and stirred, can be calmed and broken for my regard….Let go, my soul, and trust in Him, the waves and wind still know his name, the waves and wind still know his name.”   Do not try to go it alone.  There are currents and chasms that you cannot cross without being taken up on Eagles wings.  Remember Isaiah 26:3, “Thou shalt have perfect peace, he whose mind is stayed on Him, because they trust in him”.   Whatever the storm, believe and don’t fear.  Focus on Jesus and trust in Him today.

Phil Dougherty

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Experiencing Grace

Experiencing Grace

In Matthew 20:1-16, Jesus shares the parable of the Laborers with His disciples (the original twelve and subsequently with us). This parable is probably one of the clearer illustrations in the Bible of why we as God’s creation often don’t ‘experience’ grace. The workers portrayed here were all men who needed money to feed their families. They did not have regular jobs. We would call them day laborers.  If they did not work that day, they and their families would not eat that night. Luckily, there was a landowning employer (God) with work to be done who was willing to pay for their efforts.  In the passage, Jesus did not say why the landowner didn’t hire all of the men first thing in the morning, nor did he tell why the ones who were chosen later didn’t show up early in the day. What we do know is that this parable demonstrates how the beauty of the grace and mercy we experienced at salvation can fade as life happens.  At the point of salvation and Christ’s amazing grace (being hired) we are all excited and can’t wait to get into our new life (job) as a Christ Follower. Then life happens, and we work a little, and things just are not fair. It’s at this point that the glow of Christ’s amazing grace may begin to fade in our minds as we focus on the perceived blatant unfairness of this life.

In this parable we have five groups of men, including those hired at 6 am, 9 am, 12 am, 3 pm, and 6 pm.  All of the men were in need of somebody’s grace in order to feed their families. They had all agreed to a day’s pay for a day’s work, but based on what they thought of as a fair exchange. They all had worked their allotted time and would be able to go home and provide supper for their families. They had all received grace and mercy from the landowner.  But when pay time arrived, the first three groups who were hired were not happy. That sorry boss had the audacity to pay the lesser workers who hadn’t shown up and been hired until 3pm and 6pm, the same as those who had shown good character and made themselves available early in the day. Were they all going to be able to feed their families? Did they all get paid what they agreed to? Yes on both accounts. Then what was the problem?  Basic inherent greed and self-righteousness. They were not being treated fairly. They were better workers and deserved to be paid more than the sorry late comers!  What they were forgetting is that they had received the same grace as the last hired. The reality is that none of the workers deserved God’s grace! The last two groups of men went home with food for their families and rejoicing, knowing that they had received more than they deserved. The first three went home with food for their families grumbling, forgetting that they had also received more than they deserved. Forgetting that outside of being chosen by a very gracious landowner (God) they would be at home with nothing to feed their families.

The same can be true of us as today’s Christ followers if we, in any way shape or form, forget what Isaiah 64:6 says, that “All my righteousness is as filthy rags.”  If so, we miss ‘experiencing’ grace, because we will think we earned our ‘wages’.  If we think we earned grace, even subconsciously, the first time, we will most likely keep trying to earn grace.  This can lead to a life of fear and anxiety.  In contrast, we can live in the beautiful truth that when we surrender to the cleansing power of Christ’s blood (salvation) we are made righteous by His work, not our inadequate service.  We don’t have to get it right all the time and we don’t end up comparing ourselves to the worker next to us. Rather we fall on His mercy and work for Him out of love, truly appreciating what He has done for us that we could never do on our own, i.e. we got more than we deserved when we got Jesus.  What a place of peace and grace we end up in!!

Tim Smith

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A Spiritual Battle?


What can you ‘see’ in regards to the spiritual battle?  How does this relate to potential ‘revival’ or the opposite, ongoing ‘demoralization’.

The world around us is ‘scaled’.  For some, they see only the small area within which they live and the small circle of those they deal with or that influence them.  Others have vision of the ‘big picture’.  Some see only the physical.  Others see the spiritual.  What do you see?

We all see the physical.  Some care and some do not, but we all see.  We see the bad neighborhoods.  We see poverty.  We see the opposite, i.e. wealth and the abuse of wealth.  Do we see the spiritual in front of us?  Do we see the greatness of God delivered through people who are His hands and His feet, i.e. men and women of God sacrificially serving others doing good things to help those in need?  Likely, when we slow down and get our mind off ourselves.  Do we see the positive words of encouragement and truth being delivered (as opposed to the negative) and the Word of God repeated (on signs or through people)?  Do we see how this literally offsets and even wars against the evil (the drugs, the suppression of free will – like domestic abuse, the lack of hope – for a future, the depression)?  Do we see the spiritual balance in a building, an area, a town, a region, a state, a nation, on this globe?

At the source there is but one Good and that is the God of the Bible.  And at the source there is one primary representative of evil and that is Satan.  God delivered his good word through his Word, Jesus Christ (John 1:1).  Jesus’s work is supported by his people and the angels and by the Holy Spirit.  Satan’s effort is coordinated and supported as well by the ‘World’ and by his demons.  While these are simple truths, so many see only the physical.  When Paul says, “We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers” this is what he means.  We see the physical (good and bad things and efforts) but what we see is the result of the spiritual efforts and natures of God and Satan and the supporting casts.

Do you see the channels by which good and evil flow into your home, your neighborhood, your region, your country?  God works through his children and his angels.  Christian men and women serving Christ Jesus bring the truth of Jesus and the heart of God to other men and women on this earth.  The children of God, those who have accepted Jesus Christ and are ‘sealed’ by the Holy Spirit bring life to those who are spiritually dead because as they go they have LIFE (John 14:6) in the form of the Holy Spirit in them.  The devil works to thwart the work of the Lord by seeking to kill, steal and destroy and to rob the hope and faith from the Children of God.  The Lord’s people thwart Satan’s effort by following the commands of Jesus, i.e. not worrying, not fearing, sharing with others, loving others, and getting in the mess with others to bring them out.  It is a war for the souls of men.  Do you see it?

If you see it, do you act?  Just going to church doesn’t get it done.  In fact in some cases a pacified church is a barrier to the battle.  Serving on a grounds committee or a bereavement committee or other good efforts don’t fully get it done.  Lukewarmness and show don’t get it done.  What offset’s evil and furthers the Kingdom of God is surrender to the Lord and the subsequent following of his commands.  It is vision, compassion and applied obedient effort.  His vision and your effort under his direction.  Do you see it?  Do you act?  Christian men, if you want demoralization, sit back and continue to do nothing.  If you want revival, see and act!  Act in what way and at what scale?  In the way you are called and at the scale that the Lord allows you to see.  What do you see?  Lord, open our eyes, fill us with courage, and empower us with the Holy Spirit to do your work today!

Derek Dougherty

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Fear vs Loved


            I John. 4:18  tell us “There is no fear in love, instead perfect love drives out fear, because fear involves punishment. (or fear has it’s own punishment or torment) So the one who fears has not reached perfection in love.”   Of all the human emotions fear is the bases for worry, anxiety, none chemical depression, anger, loneliness, with drawl, passivity, insecurity, and the list goes on.  I’m sure you could add to it.  Sadly we live in a fear based society.  When fear is the base line of our lives, as I John. 4:18 states there will be torment.  Sadly my birth family and my own life have been based for way to long on fear.  Thankfully the Holy Spirit is showing me the way out.

The way out is learning to understand what or who is perfect love is. Proverbs 1:7 tells us that “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and discipline.”  Fear in our modern english is a poor word to use. The awe of the Lord would be a better way to put it.  If I’m in awe of something, it usually means that there is a destructive side and a constructive side that I want to be part of.  Over my life I have been around horses which were a pleasure to ride, but I also realized that if they desired to use their power in the wrong way, it was going to be a rough day.  I’ve also had friends who I would describe as “gentle bears.”  They were people who I was very glad to be on their side.  I realized that if I was not on their side and they decided to pitch me over their shoulder, it could happen in a heart beat, but that is not what they desired to do.  If I PUSHED it, it could and would happen, BUT not something they desired to do.  It’s awesome to ride that kind of horse or have that kind of friend.  We know that if something goes upside down when we are with them, we are protected.

How about if I change the wording?  The awe od the Lord is the beginning of protection.  In this life there is going to plenty of “normal” or at times life is going to be difficult.  If I call the difficult times of this life “normal”, which they are.  Nothing happens to me, that hasn’t happened to somebody else.  “Normal” keeps me from throwing the victim card.  When the “normals” happen, which they will!  If I’m in fear of my God, believing that He is out to get me or is mean, my whole life is fear based and tormented.  If I’m in awe of my loving God and the normals of this life happen, I will run to Him for protection.  This is not to say that if I choose to go against God’s will, that He will not correct me.  He will, but His desire is not to destroy me, which He could, but His desire is to restore me to a loving relationship with Him.  So this is my choice, do I live my life in fear of my God and run from Him, thus a life of fear and torment, or do I live my life in awe of my loving God, thus when the “normals” of this life happen, I run to Him knowing that I will be loved and protected through them, just as Jesus was.  It’s my choice!!

Tim Smith

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I AM JONAH – Part 2


God said to Jonah, “Are you really so very angry about the little plant?” And he said, “I am as angry as I could possibly be!” The Lord said, “You were upset about this little plant, something for which you have not worked nor did you do anything to make it grow. It grew up overnight and died the next day. Should I not be even more concerned about Nineveh, this enormous city? There are more than one hundred twenty thousand people in it who do not know right from wrong, as well as many animals!
-Jonah 4:9-11

Jonah cared more about a weed that provided him shade, than all the people of Nineveh combined. His love was grounded in selfish comfort—what it did for him. Yet God, who gains nothing from man (Acts 17:25), intricately and lovingly crafted every human being in that great (and corrupt) city, and cares for them just as He did Jonah (and you and me).

God has spoken so profoundly through this video for the past several days. While a great illustration to communication in marriage, I believe it is a greater illustration to showing grace to others.

I immediately identified with the man (naturally), but God quickly spoke to me while mulling it over. “You have nails in your head too.”

But I don’t act like it.

My love tends to be selfish like Jonah’s, loving those who love me; forgiving those who forgive me; being patient with those who are patient with me. That kind of love profits me nothing (Luke 6:32). God has shown such immense grace in my life, and I often withhold that same grace to others. I look back and see how tenderly God has dealt with me in the same struggles I’ve wallowed in for years (like Jonah and his hatred to the Assyrians). Yet when I’m with someone else with a problem I so easily see, I am incredibly self-serving in my aid. I am quick to point out the obvious flaws in others, “speaking truth” but not in love (Ephesians 4:15). Because while there are times to point out the problem—when our Heavenly Father tells us to (thus, in faith)—my desire to do so is often rooted in, well, me. Like Jonah before the withering plant, I want their problems to stop inconveniencing me. I just want to throw them a life saver, and yell at them to reach for it as they splash frantically about. I don’t want to have to jump into their mess and patiently and tenderly help their hands find deliverance. After all getting wet is uncomfortable, and I might get hurt in the process.

Yet there is a reason God is not allowing them to see what is so plain to me (the reason we don’t want to remove the nail). Two reasons: He sees the deeper issue in them that has to be attended to first. And He sees the deeper issue in me.

“I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called, with all lowliness and gentleness, with long-suffering, bearing with one another in love…. And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God in Christ forgave you.” -Ephesians 4:1-2, 32

It’s easy to give the advice of Bob Newhart (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ow0lr63y4Mw). But few find it truly helpful, no matter how true the statement is. Rather, we are called to “long-suffering,” extending to others the patient and graceful love that God has extended to us.

Lord, help me extend grace to others that you have extended to me.

Billy Neal

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I AM JONAH, Part 1

JonahFor many, Jonah is a familiar Bible story. The book of Jonah is indeed a great work of literature, a condensed narrative, a fantastic story, and also an uncomfortable mirror into our own lives. God asks Jonah to go preach to Nineveh, but he runs in the opposite direction. God sends a storm, and then a fish to swallow him and let him mull over his decision before spitting him back on land for a second run at the original request.

But why did he run in the first place?

He prayed to the Lord and said, “Oh, Lord, this is just what I thought would happen when I was in my own country. This is what I tried to prevent by attempting to escape to Tarshish! – because I knew that you are gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in mercy, and one who relents concerning threatened judgment.
-Jonah 4:2

There are times we are disobedient because we cling to an idol and choose to believe lies about God, but Jonah disobeys precisely because of what is TRUE about God (that he is compassionate and forgiving). Jonah wanted grace for himself, and judgment for his enemies (don’t we all, like James and John, quick to call down fire on others in their rebellion—see Luke 9:53-55). And so God’s question there in the end is one for all of us: Should God not show compassion to OUR enemies?

I’ve seriously considered the question lately. I believe I can say I, “I’m at peace with God saving members of ISIS,” (perhaps the equivalent of how a Jew would see an Assyrian). But I’m also not a guy who has tasted war with the enemy, and had personal friends murdered at my side by hateful men. Nor have I had family members beheaded for their faith. To me, ISIS is a disconnected, theoretical enemy, not a personal one (and that in itself is problematic). But are there not individuals from whom I withhold the good news, withhold my prayers?

If I’m honest, I believe so. By my silence, I have purposely done as Jonah, and attempted to withhold salvation from another. I have judged. I have despised. I have hated (whom the Lord said love, Matt 5:44).

I am just like Jonah. I may know the truth about God, but I have chosen to believe a lie about myself: That I am better than “those people.” But the truth is, while I am Jonah, I am also Nineveh. I have forgotten, I was once an enemy of God. Worse still, I have devalued God in that moment, forgetting that my transgressions amassed an immeasurable debt because they are against an infinitely valuable God. And I devalue the precious blood of Christ, so freely given, but yet such a lavish and priceless gift.

Thanks be to God, “Salvation belongs to the Lord” (Jonah 2:9). Now may I obediently go forth in joy to do His service of truly loving my enemies.

Billy Neal


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Run as if to Win!

Running to WinMany Christian men run. But how many adult Christian men run to win?  Do I? Do you?

To run to win, we must first run in the right way.  We all know of men that work the career ladder hard, right?  Is that Christian (like Christ)?  Often not, but maybe.  If God assigned us there, revealed this as our territory, and favored us, then yes. In fact, if we don’t progress in the area he has assigned and promoted, we may even be disobedient. Alternatively though, if we are self-promoting, stepping on others, and gaming the system, then this is worldly vs Christ-like.  The worldly designation describes most men; unfortunately it describes some ‘Christian’ men.

So we’ve first got to run the race in the way Christ described and modeled. What does that look like? Surrendered to God’s will (His Kingdom work), with Christ ever before us, trusting in Him, and giving God the glory.  That is a lot right, realistically taking somewhere between 3-30 years to figure out? It took the disciples 3 years and some of us are even slower learners.  But then, for the mature Christian men who are running, and are running right, are we ‘running to win’?   In 1 Corinthians 9:24 Paul says, “Know ye not that those who run in a race all run, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain it.”  Upon first read it sounds a little selfish. If the same gospel of Christ says “the first will be last and the last will be first”, then how is it right to seek the winners circle glory and prize?  Is that humility or servant leadership? For the simplistic mind this seems contradictory, but remember, ‘God is not simple’.

The winner truly desires the prize. In the case of Christian men, the ultimate prize is Jesus. When we run well, we get Jesus. We get His forgiveness, His favor, His nature, His love, His peace, His wisdom, His contacts (the Father and the Holy Spirit) and even some share of delegated rule and reign. We get Jesus in place of what we really deserve, which is Hell.  This is not some minor “pop-one-balloon county fair gimme” prize. It is desirable! It is The Great Pearl prize. It is worth a winning-focus, effort, and passionate life.

If you think of unapologetic winners  the legendary Paul ‘Bear’ Bryant comes to mind quickly.  Talking of himself, the Bear said, “If wanting to win is a fault, as some of my critics seem to insist, then I plead guilty. I like to win. I know no other way. It’s in my blood.”  If wanting Jesus is a fault, then let me be found guilty.  One of the stranger things in the Bible is that God used Jacob to move his will forward.  In his early years, Jacob was a deceiver. He tricked his father and cheated his brother and wrestled with God, but in the end, he bore the name of ‘Israel’.  One thing that Jacob did though; He passionately desired God. He desired a spiritual inheritance and the realization and fruition of God’s promise to His forefathers. Compare this to his brother Esau, who cared nothing for the father’s inheritance.

How are we running? As a person and as a church?  Are we running like we have a great hope and promise? If we are going to run, let’s passionately run as if to win. Run as if to win the great prize – Jesus and a truly amazing inheritance.

Derek Dougherty

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Life’s Challenges: Your Choice

“Now fear the Lord and serve him with all faithfulness. Throw away the gods your ancestors worshiped beyond the Euphrates River and in Egypt, and serve the Lord. But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” – Joshua 24:14-15


Here in the South, bugs hitting your windshield are a part of life. You can’t help but get those splats on your windshield when driving, especially at night – lovebug season in Florida is the worst. But when driving, what do we focus on? Do we  focus on the messy windshield or on the road? If we focus on the bugs, we end up in the ditch or worse.

In his farewell speech, Joshua recounts God’s goodness and gives Israel a choice – a choice we also need to make. Joshua mentions gods, or idols,  and we think of man-made objects, carved of wood, stone or precious metals, but let me give you a definition of an idol – anything that takes our attention away from God. We make idols of our circumstances and let them take our focus from God. Like focusing on bugs on the windshield, this can be dangerous.

A good deal of Joshua’s message was reminding Israel of God’s continued PRESENCE in their lives. Our part is in the listening and God’s part is in the leading and loving.

As we move into a relationship with Jesus and look at our identity in Him, we become dependent on God’s POWER – the same power that raised Jesus from the grave! A power that comes from God’s grace. We are called to walk, as God welcomes and wakens us to this new life – dependent not on our feeble attempts to make life work but on Him.

In Genesis 17:1, God told Abraham to “walk before Me FAITHFULY”. In Isaiah 40:31, the prophet tells us, “those who walk by faith shall not faint…” (Isaiah 40:31). We walk by faith and God Himself provides the faith as a gift!

We are in a spiritual battle. Everything that Jesus did while on earth was spiritual warfare – taking back what man had forfeited back in the Garden of Eden. Jesus calls us to walk with Him and that presents another choice of commitment or surrender. Commitment is a mental agreement; surrender is an agreement of the heart. Too many times we are committed to God but we haven’t surrendered to Him. We control what we can explain. And we try to explain God or make Him into something we can explain. Well, if I could explain God, He wouldn’t be god enough for me!

You are in the oven because you are not done yet! We often hear, “God will never give you more than you can handle”. I don’t believe that; God will never give you more than He can handle! And He promises to be there with you. Psalm 23 says “yea, though I walk THROUGH the valley of death, thou art with me”. God says, “I will never leave or forsake you”.

Recently, I was blessed to take a trip to Jordan. While there, we could hear bombing happening in Syria (we were about 7-8 miles from the border). I chose not to worry and probably slept through most of it. After coming back, I’ve had some visits with my doctor. I was diagnosed with diabetes. Not being naïve, but I choose to not claim that as part of my identity. I can give in to fear and worry (and do sometimes) but I choose NOT to because I trust God and what His Word says about me; I base my identity in Him. I’m not asking for healing – though I want to be healed – but I’m asking God to reveal Himself more to me.

There are three disciplines we must follow: first, choose which voice you listen to. Jesus says in John 10 that He came to bring us life – abundant life. He also says that the enemy comes as a thief to steal, kill, and destroy. The enemy cannot steal anything that you don’t have, he cannot kill what is not alive, and he cannot destroy what has not been built. You have something he wants or he would not be bothering you!

Second, screen everything through faith. Since God gives us the gift of faith, we should use it and screen all that life throws at us and not little all the little bugs and garbage of life enter our world. Keeping our focus on Jesus is key.

And finally, pray HARD! Remember Daniel in the lion’s den; if he was not praying hard then, I don’t know what constitutes praying hard. We need to have some serious one-to-one, heart-to-heart talks with God – where we listen as well as we speak (maybe more than we speak). We should pray like our lives depend upon it – because they do. This is not to get God to  change our circumstances (though I admit to wishing often He would do that) but to get us through our circumstance.

Then he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the Lord, and Satan standing at his right side to accuse him. The Lord said to Satan, “The Lord rebuke you, Satan! The Lord, who has chosen Jerusalem, rebuke you! Is not this man a burning stick snatched from the fire?”

Now Joshua was dressed in filthy clothes as he stood before the angel. The angel said to those who were standing before him, “Take off his filthy clothes.”

Then he said to Joshua, “See, I have taken away your sin, and I will put fine garments on you.” (Zechariah 3:1-4)

Zechariah’s vision shows us that in the midst of the battle, the Lord takes away our sins. The Lord Himself snatches us from the fire and puts in in right standing or “clean clothes”. We can claim the names God gives to those He loves: Restored, Renewed, Clean, Free.

Never doubt what in the dark what God told you in the light. Amid our darkness, God reminds us of what He told us in the light of better times. What is your choice today?

Colossians 1:15-18 In Him ALL THINGS hold together.

Steve Pierce

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Grace Liberates Us

Our own greatest relationship problem is ourselves.  We’ve all been sinned against and suffered abuse of all different kinds. But our deepest and greatest difficulty exist inside of us.  Grace alone changes everything Grace liberates us from all the brokenness and bitterness inside us so we can actually have a relationship.

Grace does three things.

(1) It frees us from the bondage of our own self-righteousness. We can’t have a relationship based on our own righteousness, it’s doomed to failure. But when we accept Jesus Christ in our lives, Through Him we can stand before God as righteous. So we are free to own up to our lives as being a mess, and not be defensive about it because of God’s Grace.

(2) When we embrace Christ’s righteousness as our own we are free from having to be in control of everything.  Jesus said in Luke 12:32 “fear not, little flock, for it’s your Father’s great pleasure to give you the Kingdom.” We don’t have to build a kingdom, it’s already done. Through Grace we’ve been given more than we could ever want in God’s Kingdom. So quit arguing and just accept it.

(3) Christ’s righteousness frees us from the bondage of unrealistic expectations.  So stop seeking the approval of man and his earthly expectations.  Stop asking people in your life to be your own personal messiahs, who will make you feel good about yourselves.  We’ve already been given everything we need for life. Through Grace we can live life in Abundance and walk in the light of all Jesus has done to free us from ourselves.

Ronnie Jones

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When God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit set the creation process in motion it wasn’t random, it was intentional.  Man’s sin in Genesis 3 didn’t catch Them by surprise.  Their plan for the Messiah was already in place. They knew sin was coming and for reasons that I don’t totally understand didn’t choose to stop it, but had a plan in place to overcome sin. They seemed to want loving relational obedience over dictatorial obedience.  Not that there were not any consequences for sin, kicked out of the garden, yes, but not death and a restart. God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit had an intentional plan and They were following it.

Are you living your life with the same intentionality, or are you living it haphazardly?  Do you have a plan or are you just dealing with the crisis of the moment? It is very easy to get caught up in living life this way, if one is not careful.  Have you intentionally humbled yourself under the loving, cleansing power of Jesus Christ’s shed blood?  (Salvation) If not let’s get it done!!!  For the unbeliever here’s the how.  For the Christ Follower who has no plan to share the Gospel with the unbeliever, here’s one called the Roman’s Road. All the verses are in Romans: 3:23 (all have sinned), 6:23 (sin’s penalty), 5:8 (Christ paid your penalty), 10:9,10,13 (promise and how to receive Salvation)

When Jehovah Witnesses come to your door do you avoid them or do you invite them in for a cup of coffee?  Do you have an intentional plan in place that opens the possibility to share the Gospel with them?  A good place to start is Jn. 1:1. They add one letter, the letter “A”.  They change “was God” to “was A god”.  If Jesus is just A god, then he is no different than Buddha, Muhammad, or any other person who has started a religion, thus salvation can come through any of them. But since He is THE God, Salvation is only through Him!  Not all you will want or need to know but a good place to start. In order to live a victorious Christ Follower’s life, these intentional plans have to be in place: Salvation, Jn. 14:6; Bible study, I Tim. 2:15; Prayer, I Thess. 5:17; Obedience, James 1:22; Humility, I Pet. 5:17; Repentance, I John 1:8-10; Knowing the Voice of the Holy Spirit, John 10:27; and Making Disciples, Mt. 28:18-20.

Psalm 139 tells us that God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit have an intentional plan in place for our lives before we were even thought about here on earth.  Jeremiah 29:11,12 also tells us that They have amazing intentional plans for us. It also tells us that we have some intentional responsibility in making Their plans come about.  This was intentionally written so as to leave a lot of room to fill in the blanks, so as to hopefully entice and give you the opportunity to learn more about, and obey your loving Messiah even better. ENJOY!!

Tim Smith







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